Author: Mark Blackford

Picture of Mark Blackford
If you need to quantify the results of your digital marketing activities, Mark Blackford is your man. Mark is a master of data analytics, keyword research, email marketing, SEO and PPC. He helps produce optimal results for Marketing Essentials’ clients by planning, executing and analyzing conversion pathways for each stage of the sales funnel. When Mark is not monitoring the real-time results of his work for Marketing Essentials’ clients, you can find him exploring with the Boy Scouts or enjoying sports with his teenagers.

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Blogs by: Mark Blackford

Should I Make SEO a Priority?

Posted by Mark Blackford on October 11, 2016 at 9:00 AM
Before the internet when people had a need for a product or service they would turn to those colored pages in the back of their phonebook to find a business that could help them. Today they simply search for a solution online. How can you make sure they find your business when they’re searching for... read more

What Has SEO Done for You Lately?

Posted by Mark Blackford on July 7, 2016 at 10:17 AM
There’s been a lot of hype around Search Engine Optimization (SEO) over the years, and for good reason. A study by Conductor concludes that organic search accounts for up to 64% of website traffic. The purpose of using SEO is to get your website pages to show up in search engine results so you can... read more