Author: Mark Blackford

Picture of Mark Blackford
If you need to quantify the results of your digital marketing activities, Mark Blackford is your man. Mark is a master of data analytics, keyword research, email marketing, SEO and PPC. He helps produce optimal results for Marketing Essentials’ clients by planning, executing and analyzing conversion pathways for each stage of the sales funnel. When Mark is not monitoring the real-time results of his work for Marketing Essentials’ clients, you can find him exploring with the Boy Scouts or enjoying sports with his teenagers.

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Blogs by: Mark Blackford

ME Team Member Pays it Forward at Clean Sweep of The Great Miami River 2021

Posted by Mark Blackford on September 27, 2021 at 8:34 AM
July 16, 2021, was an overcast day with chances of rain showers throughout the morning hours. But thankfully, the annual Clean Sweep of the Great Miami River Watershed was still able to take place with just a few brief, light, periods of rain occurring. read more

The Worst Mistake May Be To Stop Your Online Advertising [Audio Blog]

Posted by Mark Blackford on September 1, 2020 at 2:07 PM
Shop closed. Staff furloughed. Festival canceled. The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted many industries, including the advertising industry. It’s no surprise total advertising spend is down as businesses and community organizations cut budgets due to the effects of the pandemic. read more

SEO Concepts Simplified: How to Get on Page 1 and Drive More Sales

Posted by Mark Blackford on August 6, 2020 at 9:02 AM
Imagine building a great store, offering great in-demand products, at a great price, with great customer service and great overall shopping experience. That store would do extremely well, right? Not necessarily! read more

Work Your Ticket: Advance Your Business Leadership Skills Via Scouting

Posted by Mark Blackford on November 7, 2019 at 2:03 PM
As I journey through earning my Wood Badge -- the highest level of leadership training offered by the World Scouting Movement -- I realized that not only is this a phenomenal training for Scouters, but it’s a training anyone in the business world should take. read more